Digital Marketing Consulting

Building brand or Increasing sales with digital marketing could be a complicated journey.

Our decade of digital expertise will guide you to grow & win business.

Why You Need a Digital Marketing Consultant?

  1. Digital marketing is complex, you need expertise & experience to understand the most effective strategy, platform, targeting, creative & optimization.
  2. Every business have different condition and resources, you need a tailored strategies for maximum impact.
  3. Your internal team/existing agency lack of strategy and deliver bad performance.
  4. Don’t burn your budget doing the wrong things.
Our Digital Marketing Consulting Process

Initial Assessment and Goal Setting
Understand your business objectives, target audience, current digital presence, and challenges. Set SMART goals in alignment with your business objectives.
Market and Competitor Analysis
Conduct thorough research on the industry landscape, target audience demographics, and competitors' digital strategies. Identify gaps, opportunities, and potential threats in the market.
Strategy Development
Develop a tailored digital marketing strategy based on the assessment and analysis. Determine the most effective digital channels to reach the target audience and achieve the set goals.
Implementation Plan Supervision
Create a detailed plan outlining specific tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required for implementation. Prioritize tasks based on their impact on achieving the set goals.
Execution and Optimization Supervision
Implement the digital marketing strategy across chosen channels.Monitor & optimize campaign performance closely, using analytics tools to track key metrics and KPIs.
Regular Reporting and Communication
Provide regular updates to the client on campaign performance, progress towards goals, and any adjustments made. Offer insights and recommendations for further optimization and improvement.
Review and Adaptation
Conduct periodic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the digital marketing strategy against set goals. Adapt the strategy based on changing market conditions, technology advancements, and evolving consumer behaviors.
Long-term Partnership and Support
Ongoing support, guidance, and strategic advice to help them navigate the ever-changing digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.
Training and Knowledge Transfer (Additional)
Provide training sessions for the client's team, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage and maintain digital marketing efforts in the long term.
Our Clients


BigEvo Consultant Andy
Andy Santoso
  • Founder & CEO BigEvo - Top digital marketing agency in Jakarta with decade of expertise & experience.
  • ex Google Industry Head
  • ex Google Regional Trainer
  • MMA Award Judge
  • YouTube Works Judge
  • Citra Pariwara Judge
  • ex Yahoo - Senior Sales Manager
The Benefit working with us

Decade of experience with diverse industry to support you grow & win the business
Big cost saving with effective strategy & optimum execution
Save a lot of time to start, launch & optimization within your timeline
Shaping & sharpening your existing team
The Best Match

Company who need to increase their sales with digital marketing.
Company who need to build/refresh the brand with digital marketing.
Company who use digital agency/internal marketing but lack of strategy/low performance.
Company with marketing budget >IDR 300 Million/month.
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